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His book of secrets

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His book of secrets

Chapters are delivered in two parts totaling around 30 mins. It's an investment, but I'll use every second to keep you on your toes.

Secrets in the Text

His book of secrets

I don't like the sound of my voice either. It is what it is, this is how we do.


"If" by Rudyard Kipling

Chapter 1

His Book of Secrets. Chapter 1, Walk with Kings. 7:29 mins.

"...out of the blackness of the witching hour, there was no one awake or near to hear them. Except Him..." 

Chapter 2.1

His book of secrets, Chapter 2, Part 1. Hold on. 12:08 mins.

"...His head. Surrounded, it bounced from boot to shoe to sidewalk..."

Chapter 2.2

His book of secrets, Chapter 2, Part 2. Hold on. 14:17 mins.

"He saw the reflection of the cherry and berry lights bounce off the headliner..."  

Chapter 3.1

His book of secrets, Chapter 3, Part 1. Triumph and Disaster. 11:28 mins.

"...sari clad girls, their delicate colorful dress sharply contrasting with the dull parker hues of the British playground."  

Chapter 3.2

His book of Secrets, Chapter 3, Part 2. Triumph and Disaster. 11:09 mins.


"He knew something they didn’t…timing."

Chapter 4.1

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 4, Part 1. Pitch and Toss.  13:45 mins.

" ...the surroundings break into a collection of dystopian high-rises, jutting out of the ground making for a row of jagged uneven teeth spitting out of the castles’ tired under bite. "

Chapter 4.2

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 4, Part 2. Pitch and Toss.  11:36 mins.

 "Misery could paper the walls, but here, it seemed as though even raw emotions didn’t have the effort to manifest." 

Chapter 5.1

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 5, Part 1. Count With You. 12:42 mins.

"As the words left her lips He had never seen so much hope in her eyes, yet as soon as they hit His ears, His heart shattered in pieces."

Chapter 5.2

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 5, Part 2. Count with You. 13:04 mins.

"...the tool or the skill is not as important as the intent when it comes to executing efficacious violence..."

Chapter 6.1

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 6, Part 1. Blaming it on you. 7:48 mins.

 "The silence causes one to amplify the slightest noise, fear of the unknown in the darkness make imaginations run wild. "

Chapter 6.2

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 6, Part 2. Blaming it on you.  13:09 mins.

"She continued through the tears but inside, her voice was being drowned out by the breaking of His heart." 

Chapter 7.1

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 7, Part 1. Trust Yourself. 14:15 mins.

"Guilt is a powerful emotion, backed up by remorse and shame, it can slowly wear away at one’s soul."

Chapter 7.2

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 7, Part 2. Trust Yourself. 11:14 mins.

"The naivety of youth can fuel awesome confidence and with confidence, criminal enterprise can grow fast."  

Chapter 8.1

His Book of Secrets. Chapter 8, Part 1. Unforgiving Minute. 13:42 mins.

"Excitement would tally places with dread, both would cause Him to fill with prickling heat below the sheets in uncomfortable anticipation."

Chapter 8.2

His Book of Secrets. Chapter 8, Part 2. Unforgiving Minute. 13:08 mins.

"...ten up, turn, ten up."

Chapter 9.1

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 9, Part 1. Twisted by Knaves. 14:04 mins.

"...there had to be more to life than just shifting ages and inches across a bar top."

Chapter 9.2

His Book of Secrets, Chapter 9, Part 2. Twisted by Knaves. 13:40 mins.

"Violent vehement blanketed black."

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